Today's The Day!

It's March 19th, which means The Setback Cycle comes out today! I cannot begin to share how much I appreciate all of you being here as you’ve listened to me talk about this book incessantly over the past three years and somehow suppressed the urge to unfollow or unsubscribe.

Today marks the culmination of a lifelong dream. Throughout all the rejection, the self doubt and yes, the many, many setbacks encountered during this journey, we have arrived. Writing a book is not a solo venture. I share today with every single one of you because your support and encouragement is a huge part of what made today possible.

So go check your doorstep or boot up your Kindle and take a photo. (Audiophiles have to wait a few weeks to listen to it, sorry for the delay but I promise it’s coming!)

After you take that photo, send it to me, post it on social, celebrate in any way you can, because this is your moment too. Seeing me do this and following along in my journey to becoming a published author has hopefully shown you that you can do the thing too, whatever that thing you’ve been wondering if you’re capable of doing might be.

With that, I have one more favor to request. Will you leave an Amazon review today?

Apparently we need to get to 100 reviews for Amazon to deem it worthy and include it in some sort of algorithm preference and while yes, we all hate the ever-changing algorithm situation, this is the world we live in.

To make this request a bit more enticing, if you leave an Amazon review and send me a screenshot within the next week along with your mailing address, I will mail you a setback swag gift bag.

This digital toolkit has sample language to pull from as you write those reviews, along with a few ideas if you want to share your review/some more book love on social!

Again, I am so deeply grateful for each and every one of you. And I can’t wait to support you when you do your big thing.

For now, we celebrate.



Amy's Antidote

Amy is a USA Today Bestselling Author of The Setback Cycle, sought after leadership and career coach, a TEDx Speaker, award-winning marketer and freelance journalist whose work has appeared in ForbesWomen, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and more

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