
Amy's Antidote

Amy is a USA Today Bestselling Author of The Setback Cycle, sought after leadership and career coach, a TEDx Speaker, award-winning marketer and freelance journalist whose work has appeared in ForbesWomen, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and more

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Amy’s Antidote: Is It Time To Get Off This Train?

Welcome new folks! Many of you are here because you signed up for my career strategy workshop: Rebuild and Rebrand with Aliza Licht, and many of you are here because I met you in Connecticut this weekend after I spoke at the CTREIA conference. I'm so glad you're here. In case you missed it, my TEDx talk is finally live! This is for you if you’re dealing with any self-doubt, or if there are people in your life who keep making you feel like you need to “prove your value” to them. The talk walks...

Before we dive in, I’m so excited to share that The Setback Cycle audiobook is out today! I know some of you were waiting for this (and yes, listening definitely counts as reading) so please download it and listen away! As my husband jokes, come for the career advice, stay for the Long Island accent. And now on to today’s newsletter, which is all about apathy. I realize I’m over here writing a newsletter that’s supposed to “offer an antidote to daily doomscrolling,” and then when crazy things...

When you’re a kid, June is an endless series of celebrations, awards ceremonies, graduation parties, dance recitals and more. For parents, this month is straight up tears. Whether around forgetting to send them to school with the appropriate “theme” outfit (don’t forget rainbow colors day!) to sobbing as you witness your little one go from one phase to the next while they stand there, this person who was once (and in your brain, still is) a baby, beaming with pride over all their hard work...

Some of us don’t realize how badly we need a vacation until we finally take it. I had been telling myself (and everyone else) I didn’t need a break. "Energy is my superpower!" I yelled when people asked if I was exhausted. I was doing “so much.” Didn't I need to hit pause? Nah, I shrugged. I love what I do so I can keep going! I want to keep going! This was truly and honestly the way I felt after two straight months of multiple events per week, a book tour that had me flying all over the...

Like many of you, I’m going through a seasonal shift right now, and I’m not talking about the weather. Ambition has seasons, too. And after spending the first few months of the year laser focused on my book launch, traveling like crazy and doing tons of speaking engagements, this month I’ve been fully leaning into mom mode. I’m picking up my daughter from school more often, packing her lunches with little notes in them (which she can read by herself now!) and this week I’m chaperoning her...

What narrative have you told yourself during your biggest moments of self-doubt? I have a self consciousness around intelligence, which I’ve written about before. My credibility has been “questioned” throughout my life, and I have some theories as to why that happens. (You’ll have to wait for the talk to be live to hear those theories.)At the end of last month, to conclude a six week whirlwind book tour, I stood on a circular red carpet in the middle of a stage and shared my biggest...

A few weeks ago, I had my first ever astrological reading. Earlier this month, I agreed to join friends for a session with a psychic in Nashville. The experience shook me a bit. When I sat down, she looked at me and said, “You just achieved a very significant professional milestone. Did you get a big promotion or something?” Or something, I answered. There is no scientific proof that an astrology reading holds any more truth than a game of chance. There is also zero scientific evidence to...

Well that happened. After the most incredible book launch, last week I spoke at Google and KeyBank, appeared on almost a dozen broadcast news shows around the country, had an incredible celebration in my community, and oh yea, I became a USA TODAY bestselling author. And now it’s time to hit the road. This week I’ll be stopping by Nashville’s WKRN Local on 2 to film an in-studio segment. I’m in town to speak at the Mom 2 Summit so please come find me if you’ll be there, and definitely find me...

It's March 19th, which means The Setback Cycle comes out today! I cannot begin to share how much I appreciate all of you being here as you’ve listened to me talk about this book incessantly over the past three years and somehow suppressed the urge to unfollow or unsubscribe. Today marks the culmination of a lifelong dream. Throughout all the rejection, the self doubt and yes, the many, many setbacks encountered during this journey, we have arrived. Writing a book is not a solo venture. I...

Here we go! The Setback Cycle will arrive at your door in just one week! Next Tuesday, you’ll be able to hold it in your hands and stare at the beautiful orange gradient cover that wraps around the spine so it stands out proudly on your bookshelf and makes you look super smart (thank you Vanessa for that brilliant design recommendation!) I am so grateful for this community. You have all been on this journey with me for so long and every one of you has been wildly supportive, especially these...